Monday 5 February 2018

several evidence-based ways to reduce insulin resistance:

Here are several evidence-based ways to reduce insulin resistance:
  1. Exercise: This may be the single easiest way to improve insulin sensitivity. The effect is almost immediate (4142).
  2. Lose belly fat: Try to lose some fat, especially the deep "visceral" fat from your liver and belly. This article lists several evidence-based tips on how to lose belly fat.
  3. Stop Smoking: Tobacco smoking can cause insulin resistance, so quitting should help (43)
  4. Reduce Sugar Intake: Try to reduce your intake of added sugars, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages.
  5. Eat healthy: Eat a diet based mostly on whole, unprocessed foods. Include nuts and fatty fish.
  6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Eating omega-3 fatty acids can in many cases reduce insulin resistance. They can also lower blood triglycerides, which are often high in insulin resistant people (4445).
  7. Supplements: Taking a supplement called berberine can be effective to enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar (46). Magnesium supplements may be helpful as well (47).
  8. Sleep: There is some evidence that poor sleep causes insulin resistance, so improving sleep quality should help (48).
  9. Reduce Stress: If excessive, try to manage your stress levels (49). Meditation has been shown to be helpful (50).
  10. Donate blood: High levels of iron in the blood are linked to insulin resistance. For men and postmenopausal women, donating blood may improve insulin sensitivity (515253).
  11. Intermittent fasting: Following an eating pattern called intermittent fastingcan improve insulin sensitivity (54).

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